As a first time author, my experience with Tellwell was virtually pain-free. It was a wonderful experience and I highly recommned this company to anyone who has a manuscript.

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Lucy Hebert
Author - Little Lucie

Mirian Sansalone
Purpose High

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I decided to focus on the book and let Tellwell take care of the labyrinth of details. The process was near seamless, the results professional, and the service courteous and prompt. I highly recommend Tellwell!

Finding Tellwell was like magic. They were the only publisher that met my needs. The initial pricing was fair and responsible. Every promise was kept and I could not believe what an incredible job they did on the cover!

If asked to describe Tellwell in one word, I would say integrity. Tellwell champions the aspirations of an author to succeed. When it comes to fairness, transparency, excellence and yes an abundance of talent in publishing, Tellwell wrote the book.

Susan Jennings
The Blue Pendant

Lisa Warden
Diplomat, Dissident, Spook


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